Fall DTS Starts:
September 28th, 2025

Winter DTS Starts:
January 18th, 2026

What is a YWAM DTS?

Discipleship Training School is a five-month course in a live/learn community where you spend time getting to know God and His purpose for your life. Lecture Phase, the first three months, consists of class time, local outreach, elective tracks, worship, and fellowship. The last two months, Outreach Phase, allows you to walk out what you have learned in the Lecture Phase by going, serving, and reaching others with the love of God. 

Come and discover your purpose and impact people, communities, and nations.


Know God


Know God

3 Months in Texas, USA

DTS consists of 3 months of classroom learning called Lecture Phase. During Lecture Phase, you learn about who God is and the purpose and calling He has placed on your life. You will learn through class time with gifted speakers, worship, intercessory prayer, small groups, one-on-one discipleship, Bible reading, local outreaches, personal devotions, community responsibilities, fellowship, and elective tracks.

Lecture Weekly Life

Community Responsibility
Worship Prayer and Devotional
Local Outreach


Class time is an opportunity to learn from gifted speakers on topics such as the Nature and Character of God, Hearing God's voice, Destiny, and more!

Live/Learn Community

Our hope at YWAM Wylie is that in our live/learn community setting, you will not only gain knowledge but you discover how to apply it and reflect the image of Christ.

Community Responsibilities​

Students will be assigned tasks around the base to get plugged in and do their part in our community, whether on grounds, in the kitchen, or with housekeeping.​

Local Outreach​

We are very involved in our local community. Each week, we spend time pouring into those around us through building projects, tutoring local youth, and evangelizing.​


You will meet with a staff member for one-on-one discipleship throughout Lecture Phase. In small groups, you have the opportunity to share and grow with your classmates and group leaders.​


Class time is an opportunity to learn from gifted speakers on topics such as the Nature and Character of God, Hearing God's voice, Destiny, and more!

Community Responsibilities​

Students will be assigned tasks around the base to get plugged in and do their part in our community, whether on grounds, in the kitchen, or with housekeeping.​


You will meet with a staff member for one-on-one discipleship throughout Lecture Phase. In small groups, you have the opportunity to share and grow with your classmates and group leaders.​

Live/Learn Community​

Our hope at YWAM Wylie is that in our live/learn community setting, you not only gain knowledge but you discover how to apply it and reflect the image of Christ.

Local Outreach​

We are very involved in our local community. Each week, we spend time pouring into those around us through building projects, tutoring local youth, and evangelizing.​



We offer tracks to empower you to your passions as a form of ministry. Our DTS tracks give additional, supplemental training in the specialized areas. The track is not the main focus of the DTS, but rather comes alongside the core curriculum of DTS. Here at YWAM Wylie, we offer: Children as Risk, Construction, Barista, Anti-Human Trafficking, Photography & Storytelling, and Classic.


Make God Known


Make God Known

During Outreach, you practically apply all you learned in Lecture Phase as you go into the nations and share the love of God. You will live immersed in a culture not your own, obeying the Lord’s commission to go, sharing the gospel, serving local ministries, and making disciples. Currently, our three focus areas include Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Outreach Weekly Life

Worship and Intercessory Prayer
Team Time

Where Will You GO?

Central Africa

Southeast Asia

MIddle East

More Info

Fall DTS Countdown!


Requirements: We ask that you have the equivalent of a high school diploma or are at least over the age of 18.

Cost: DTS Lecture fees are $3,850. If you are interested in a specific track focus, it typically will be $100 – $200 more. Contact us for more information based on prices exact to track focus. Outreach will be anywhere from $5,000 to $6,000, depending on location. The cost include airfare, meals, housing, transportation, and any ministry expenses. 

Housing: Students will live in dormitory-style housing during Lecture Phase. There are anywhere from 5 to 10 students living in a room at a time.

School Size: On average, schools are between 10-20 students. The fall quarter is typically our largest school size.

We believe in families as a whole, pursuing missions together. We have housing and childcare available for families. If you are interested in family missions, contact us for more information.

Want to know more?